Spring Break Art & Craft Camp | Woodworking Add-On


Woodworking Craft Add-On
Monday – Wednesday, March 31, April 1 & 2, from 3 – 5pm

If your child is enrolled in our Spring Break Art & Craft Camp for Kids 6-8yrs & 9-12yrs, San Diego Craft Collective is offering an additional Woodworking Craft Add-on from 3 – 5pm to provide a creative, safe space after camp hours.

Woodworker Educator Aleya Lanteigne will teach woodcraft for children who opt for this additional crafting time. It’s a time to continue exploring traditional craft with hands-on guidance and fun projects.

Kids must be enrolled in our Spring Break Art & Craft Camp for Kids 6-8yrs & 9-12yrs, a collaborative craft camp hosted by San Diego Craft Collective and Monart to enroll in this daily add-on class.

• Military, first responders and sibling discounts: Email us for more information.
• Scholarships available: Click here for an application.
• If this class is full, join the Interest List to be notified.
• If you would like to be notified of future offerings, join the Interest List to be notified when new dates or spaces are available.


Spring Break Art & Craft Camp | Woodworking Craft Add-On
Monday – Wednesday, March 31, April 1 & 2, from 3 – 5pm

San Diego Craft Collective, 2590 Truxtun Rd., Studio 106, SD 92106 • 619.273.3235 • make@sandiegocraft.org

This camp is held mostly outdoors under shade, so we suggest:
• Dress your child in layers so they can adjust to the temperature.
• Bring a refillable water bottle and a snack (no sugar or peanut products please).
• Wear c
losed-toe shoes. Flip-flops are not acceptable for this camp.
• Please apply sunscreen to your child before dropping off and/or send them with a sun hat.

BEHAVIOR POLICY: Disruptive behavior will result in a parent-teacher conference. Continued disruptions are grounds for dismissal from our program. It is expected that children will listen to the instruction of our staff and teachers. It is expected that children will use appropriate language, not intentionally injure themselves or others, will properly use tools after instruction, and take good care of them.

DIRECTIONS: Located in Liberty Station’s Arts District, you can find our studio at the end of the hallway on the 1st floor of the Dorothea Laub Music & Arts Center (Bldg 176) at the corner of Roosevelt & Truxtun, next to The Lot movie theater. There is plenty of free parking. Parking Lot Q is behind our studio — enter via the driveway off Dewey. Across the street in the Vons parking lot, it is also free. If you can’t find us, call or text 619.273.3235.

REFUNDS: No refunds for tardiness or no-shows. For a refund (minus a 5% processing fee), you must cancel 7 days before the start of the class. After 7 days, we cannot offer refunds, as materials and supplies have already been purchased.

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